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Alessandro Puccinelli 心爱的小房车 移动的小家

发布于:2018-10-13 23:51:24 栏目:插画 点击: 国外网站 - 国外网站大全整理

来自意大利的艺术家 Fabio D'Altilia 是一家国际广告公司的负责人,他创作了一组暗含心理学内容的插画作品,每一幅插画都暗含心理学感知,读者必须集中所有的感知来感悟其中的道理,从一个点看到另外一个层面。

Fabio D'Altilia 心理学插画作品集

Italian artist Fabio D'Altilia, who also just happens to be the head of art in an international advertising agency, just sent us this clever set of illustrations. Inspired by Gestalt psychology, he's created a fun set that will make you look twice at each image.

Fabio D'Altilia 心理学插画作品集2

In particular, D'Altilia addresses multistable perception, which is the tendency for us to go back and forth between two or more interpretations. As seen in the Rubin's vase, our eyes seem to want to conjure up one image and we must all concentrate just a little bit harder to see the other one.

Fabio D'Altilia 心理学插画作品集3

Fabio D'Altilia 心理学插画作品集4

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